Using Rules
The ability to define file selection rules is a powerful feature to narrowing down the scope of the synchronization. There are three types of rules -- simple, intermediate and advanced -- that allow you to customize each synchronization.

There is a great amount of flexibility with both the Intermediate and Advanced rule modes. In the Intermediate mode, rules are added to an inclusion list. Any file that passes the rules listed in the inclusion list are considered for synchronization.

In the Advanced mode, rules are added to both an inclusion and an exclusion list. As mentioned above, the inclusion list contains rules that a file must pass to be considered for synchronization. The exclusion list, on the other hand, list rules that, if a file passes, excludes them from consideration.

Adding Rules
Editing Rules
Deleting Rules
Rule Groups
To see how rules will effect the outcome of your syncs before you run an actual sync, you can run Trial Synchronizations or check the status of files in the Analyze panel.